When Do I Need to Rewire My Home?

The wiring that powers your Akron-area home can last for decades. As it ages, though, it can start to cause problems—and those problems can create serious hazards, like fire risks, if they’re ignored. To help you figure out whether now’s the time to rewire your house, here are the top warning signs to be on the lookout for.
If you notice these red flags of wiring problems or electrical issues, call Blind & Sons for help at (330) 753-7711.
5 Signs It’s Time to Rewire Homes in Northeast Ohio
Don’t ignore these signs of wiring and electrical problems:
- Wiring that is at least 50 years old: After about five decades, the protective sheathing on wiring starts to break down. That can expose the copper wiring below, start to melt the surrounding insulation, and increase the risk of home fires. Even if decades-old wiring doesn’t break down, it’s typically no match for modern electronics. If your home was built about 50 years ago and the wiring has never been replaced or updated, rewiring your Akron, OH home is probably a good idea.
- Aluminum wiring: This type of wiring, largely used in homes built in Northeast Ohio between 1965 and 1973, can create big fire risks. If your home was built during this period and you’re unsure what type of wiring it has, contact an electrician for a wiring inspection. Aluminum wiring should be replaced with modern copper wiring for safe, reliable power in your home.
- A dated fuse box: Do you have fuses, instead of circuit breakers, in your power box? Are you missing labels by the fuses? Or is there unprotected wiring running to and from that box? If so, you’ll likely benefit from an electrical panel upgrade and rewiring.
- Flickering lights: This can indicate loose connections or damaged wiring. Either way, it’s a sure sign that your home’s wiring is approaching the end of its life span—and that now’s the time for rewiring.
- Insufficient plugs and switches: Are you constantly searching for somewhere to plug in your electronics? Do you rely on power strips? Or are your outlets designed for 2-prong plugs, instead of 3-prong plugs? If you’re dealing with any of these issues, your home’s wiring probably needs to be replaced and upgraded.
Schedule Rewiring & Electrical Service in Northeast Ohio: Contact Blind & Sons
From rewiring homes to lighting installation, whole-home generator repairs, and more, the Akron electricians at Blind & Sons are here for you, ready to help! We can handle all of your electrical installation, replacement, and repair, and you can always count on us to get the job done right the first time!
We also invite you to check our latest specials and offerings to see why we’re a leading electrical company in Akron, OH, and beyond.
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